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Our Facebook Page being unpublished, Group also got the same nudity policies. Let's try out MeWe

#1 2019-02-05 21:23:32

clothesFREE in Facebook
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2017-09-24
Posts: 423

Ex-Mackay naturist gives skinny on bare lifestyle


An Ex-Mackay naturist has returned to his home ground to vet opening a branch of the Adam and Eve Club. Kerry Robinson grew up in Mackay and believes the number of people that live the lifestyle is around 50. Mr Robinson said members of the club come in all shapes and sizes but said there's an incredible amount of acceptance. Mr Robinson said he promoted a healthy, happy and hygienic club, he also wants to start what he calls a 'Men's Shed' because he understands a lot of wives suffer from "shyness" and it provides an outlet for men who wish to live the lifestyle.


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