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Our Facebook Page being unpublished, Group also got the same nudity policies. Let's try out MeWe

#1 2011-03-26 08:02:01

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

LUSH 街頭裸女促銷


LUSH encouraged its employees to show up to work in nothing but their aprons as a protest against unneccessary packaging. Does this make it the ultimate green product? Or is there something a little cheeky in its promotion?


LUSH, a luxury cosmetic company based in Britain, is known for its efforts to reduce packaging -- about half of its products are sold without plastic wrap and other containers. Shampoos and soaps come in bars instead. Lush says that packaging uses up 8% of the world's oil resources.

video1, video2



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