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Lizzi Miller is going to be all over the news this week. She's a 20-year-old model who weighs 180 pounds. Considering she's nearly six feet tall, her proportions are great, and she looks healthy and . . . well, normal. Like a very pretty girl you would meet at a party.
Lizzi was hired for a gig at Glamour Magazine - one photo to go along with an article in the September issue about having a healthy body image. The photo taken was of Lizzi in profile, wearing what looks like a g-string. I suppose the big deal is that she's not sucking in her stomach, and she's got a small tummy. She's also got extremely realistic thighs. Lizzi’s smiling and laughing at something off-camera, and it’s simply a gorgeous photo.
網上時裝雜誌 Plus Model Magazine 刊登「肥瘦照」- 俄羅斯 28 歲大碼女模扎爾科娃和超細碼模特兒赤裸相擁,凸顯部分行天橋的同行瘦骨嶙峋,BMI 已達厭食症水平,告訴大家瘦不一定美,最重要健康。
2012.01.13 蘋果日報
You know what, I think this is just beautiful!